A few pictures from the charity rowing evening www.rhnrowhard.org.uk I took part in.
The evening was Row Hard for Neuro-Disability in aid of the Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability (both ‘RHN’, geddit) located near the Green Financial office in Putney. The RHN is a fantastic national charity and deserving of support. Do look at their website www.rhn.org.uk/ for more details on what they do and who they do it for.
The RHN is the chosen charity for Green Financial this year. Every time I complete any new work for a client I make a donation – see www.justgiving.com/greenfinancial for more details.
In addition to this I like to find other ways to support the charity. One such way was taking part in the event held on HMS Belfast.
Above are a few pictures. Top shows me giving a few tips(!) to Team GB (Note - If they win gold in London2012 remember this picture, if they don't, forget it!). Then Team Rowing with Style. The old bell on HMS Belfast, the historic ship the event took place on and finally the machines on deck.
Sadly no action shots as we were too busy competing but there are many great pics on the RHN facebook page.
Our team was called ‘Rowing with Style’, named after ‘Fitness with Style’, the name of the personal training gym owned by fellow team member Fred Ferge. If you live in Wandsworth and want to get fit/keep fit/lose weight or muscle up then I highly recommend www.fredfitnesswithstyle.co.uk. Fred was the secret weapon of ‘Rowing with Style’ being the only sports professional amongst us!
The team also contained fellow business professionals Simon and Martyn. Martyn rushed back from client meetings in Birmingham to attend and Simon claimed to have rowed to HMS Belfast from just down the Thames. Huge thanks to both.
Thanks also to our chief cheerleader (or cox as I believe the technical term is!) from Team GB Rowing.
The evening was tremendous fun and whilst it was the taking part and not the winning that was important, form dictates I should place on record we came 11th out of 25 teams.
It is only right I place this in financial terms, so "above average 2nd quartile". We intend to compete again next year but please remember that past performance is no guide to future returns and that finishing times can go down as well as up.
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